Comprehensive Reviews

Our Vendor and Service Provider Compliance Review is an independent, hands-on, deep dive, audit procedure that concentrates on evaluating the risks posed by the vendor and service provider relationships, given relevant documentation.

Vendor Compliance is a component of the Risk Management Life Cycle of the federal agencies and the CFPB. Banks and non-banks are required to have risk management processes that are commensurate with the level of risk and complexity of its third-party relationships and the financial institution’s organizational structures.

Meets compliance and examination requirements of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Our Closing Agent and Third Party Vendor (Service Providers) Approval Review is an independent audit and due diligence procedure. For instance, our Closing Agent review includes evaluating the vendor’s personal and professional profile, as reflected in public records and private industry-related databases.

  • We review and validate various functional aspects and operational requirements of an individual Closing Agent’s activities.
  • We can customize the review to conform to specific compliance and staffing needs.
  • Full-Service Closing Agent Management Platform
  • Direct, hands-on, primary communication with Closing Agent and Third Party Vendor
  • Detailed Questionnaire to be completed by Service Provider
  • Obtain and review applicable insurance, bonds, notary, and financial information
  • Conduct a search of public and proprietary databases including, but not limited to,
    • MARI/MIDEX, Fannie, Freddie, GSA, HUD, court records, and so forth.
  • Continuous monitoring of Service Provider for updates
  • Monitor and update perishable items, such as insurance policies and financials
  • Review ongoing oversight through state-of-the-art research
  • Civil and Criminal Background Check
  • Repository and Database Maintenance
  • Quick Turn-Time
  • Risk Rating